Sponsor DirectWomen


The mission of DirectWomen is to increase the representation of women lawyers on corporate boards. DirectWomen identifies leading women lawyers from around the country who are able to provide the experience, independence, and business judgment required for board effectiveness. Through its various programs, DirectWomen develops and positions women attorney leaders for board service. DirectWomen also serves as a resource for companies seeking qualified board candidates.

In order to conduct the annual Board Institute and other programs, we rely on the support of corporate and law firm sponsorships, as well as individual donations. Join the coalition of leading companies, AmLaw 100 law firms, and individual donors who reinforce their commitment to good corporate governance by supporting DirectWomen.

Click here to view the different sponsor levels, and click here for the sponsorship benefits. Click here to view the 2022 sponsors.

If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Executive Director Shawn Taylor Kaminski (skaminski@ or call DirectWomen at (833) 239-6636. 

DirectWomen’s network includes more than:

  • 285 Board Institute alumnae
  • 65 CEOs 
  • 195 Corporate Board Directors
  • 268 General Counsels and Chief Legal Officers
  • 94 Corporate Secretaries
  • A vibrant group of volunteers, including executive search firm principals and other leaders of the business community.

More than forty percent (40%) of DirectWomen alumnae have been elected to serve on at least one corporate board. 

DirectWomen is grateful to the ever-growing network of individuals and organizations that support our work.

DirectWomen is an independent 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions to DirectWomen are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by the law.

Thank you for your support of DirectWomen’s important work!


Juliette Pryor

Juliette Pryor is a public company corporate director and a skilled public and private company c-suite executive with 25+ years of business experience. She has deep experience in the board

Lily Yan Hughes

Independent Director; Chair, Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee, and Member, Compensation Committee, NUBURU, Inc. (NYSE American: BURU). NUBURU uses ground-breaking technology to transform a new class of high-power, high-performance blue

Susan S. Lanigan

Susan Lanigan has over thirty years of professional experience as a senior executive of three publicly-traded retail companies, as a current member of the boards of directors of two publicly-traded